I am at a loss every year as to what to do with the plastic Easter eggs that inevitably make their way home with my child between fami...
My little guy inherited the crafter gene. Almost every day he asks if we can do a craft. If we are out shopping he asks if we can go to...
My son loves panda bears (love panda bears, too? You might like my panda party , panda ears tutorial or  panda pancakes ). Now that h...
My son is 2 and a half and has been getting more and more interested in making crafts with me. In a search for kid friendly crafts (whi...
I found the instructions for this clever ornament via Dollar Store Crafts (where, by the way, I'm now a Contributor as well as the...
These ornaments are quick and easy to make and are a great project to do with kids or beginning crafters (the blue ornament in the...