My son loves bees. He asked for a bee party for his third birthday and is always trying to get the honey bees in our yard to land o...
I have a special place in my heart for things made out of glass - it's durable, functional and non-toxic. Niki  from HomeMadevi...
Back to school time is a great time to get organized. If your crayon or colored pencil collection is getting large and unwieldy, ...
Looking for easy kids crafts this summer? Provide your kids with some basic craft supplies and let their imaginations run wild! ...
Are you spending any time this summer camping? We recently took a test "camping trip" (in quotes because it was more like a...
If you're like me, the Fourth of July tends to sneak up on you. Whether you're having a party at your house or expected to ...
It always happens to me. The Fourth of July sneaks up on my last minute. Every. Single. Year.  This year, I put my Fourth of July...
Have you seen Disney's latest:  Oz the Great and Powerful ? In addition to having an all-star cast, it has fabulous costumes. I...
I can't get over how cute these tin can garden creatures are that Erin  at My Very Educated Mother  made. Plus they can be made ...
I have been thinking about this project for a long time so I am really happy with how well it came together. This is a fun way to giv...
Have you seen my Farm Girl Apron tutorial yet? I'm so thrilled with the great response its gotten. Thank you to those who've a...
While we like to think about April as "Earth Month", the official date for Earth Day is tomorrow. With a focus on creative wa...
Teacher Appreciation day is coming up on May7th. This cute dry erase board is a perfect table-top to-do list, place to leave lo...
I am so glad you are here! You're here to learn how to make a cute apron from recycled jeans, right? I made it as a g...
I've shared before about my annual Easter egg dilemma. My husband says I have "I-Might-Need-It-Itis" - where I refuse to...
I am at a loss every year as to what to do with the plastic Easter eggs that inevitably make their way home with my child between fami...