I have totally been that mom. The one that still has no idea what her kid is going to be for Halloween until the day before. Last...
My son is obsessed with bees. When he turned three, we had a bee birthday party , which was the inspiration for this fun costume. B...
I've been going Halloween Costume Crazy!  Most of my costumes are for boys but when I found out one of my friends wanted help c...
This summer I showed you how to make a shark fin t-shirt over on Dollar Store Crafts for shark week. Building on the shark shirt we ...
I've been there. The week before Halloween scramble. The "holy crap, I'm broke but my kid needs a costume" realization....
As a mom, I am not a fan of disposable toys. Plastic doo-dads that light up and break easily are my least favorite kid things ever. E...
My son loves bees. He asked for a bee party for his third birthday and is always trying to get the honey bees in our yard to land o...
I've mentioned before that I don't use paint containing VOCs (that would be most paint) inside my house. I'm not jus...
This post is brought to you by Lullaby Paints. Few things in life make me as happy as zero VOC paint. I'm not even kidding. I...
This is one of our favorite activities to do with kids and grown ups alike when going on hikes and nature walks. It's a fun way t...
Back to school time is a great time to get organized. If your crayon or colored pencil collection is getting large and unwieldy, ...
I've been crafting longer than I've been a mom. And even though my son loves crafts, sometimes I am at a loss as to what ...
If you're like me, the Fourth of July tends to sneak up on you. Whether you're having a party at your house or expected to ...
Hello everyone! I am Abbie from Lovin' Our Chaos, my little blog about life, love and all things craft & food worthy. A H...
Have you seen Disney's latest:  Oz the Great and Powerful ? In addition to having an all-star cast, it has fabulous costumes. I...
I can't get over how cute these tin can garden creatures are that Erin  at My Very Educated Mother  made. Plus they can be made ...
My miracle baby turned three last week and for months has been talking about how he's going to have a "bee party." I ...
I've shared before about my annual Easter egg dilemma. My husband says I have "I-Might-Need-It-Itis" - where I refuse to...
I am at a loss every year as to what to do with the plastic Easter eggs that inevitably make their way home with my child between fami...
Maybe you've heard that you can dye Easter eggs with silk ties. And if you're like I was last year, you may not understand wh...